SAC Testing Services
We provide a proctored test environment for students registered with the Student Access Center who require test accommodations and cannot be accommodated by their faculty or proctored in the classroom. Common test accommodations include extended time, a quiet test environment, and computer access. Providing students with the proper test accommodations and assuring test security are essential concerns for the Student Access Center.
The Biddeford Test Center is located in the Student Access Center building and can be reached at (207) 602-2119 or
The Portland Test Center is located on the second floor of Linnell Hall and can be reached at (207) 221-4302 or
Exams can be taken at the Student Access Center by appointment only. Both centers are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except during University holidays. A SAC professional staff member oversees the testing and proctor services.
Testing Services for Students
Testing Services for Faculty
Student registration with the Student Access Center is based on the presence of a documented disability, which has a significant impact on their ability to equally access the University’s educational environment or services. The purpose of accommodations is to provide equal access. Reasonable accommodations do not ensure success or require preferential treatment. Test accommodations are frequently utilized to provide equal access when evaluating a student's knowledge in a course. Test accommodations frequently granted in the post-secondary environment include extra time (time and a half or double time), a distraction-reduced test environment, use of a calculator, and/or computer access in order to utilize assistive technology. Extended time may not be considered a reasonable accommodation if time is an essential element of the skill being evaluated. The use of a calculator may not be considered a reasonable accommodation if computation is the essential element being evaluated.
The course instructor is obviously the best person to oversee the student’s test taking, as only they can interpret and clarify any questions a student may have. Instructors always have the prerogative to supervise a student’s test taking, and it is necessary to provide the student with the accommodations granted. Students are advised to meet early in the semester with their instructors in order to discuss their test accommodations and to work out mutually satisfactory provisions for the taking of exams, tests, and quizzes.
When an instructor, because of time constraints or the nature of the accommodations, is unable to provide the student with the accommodations granted, the Student Access Center offers students and their instructors the option of having exams administered in the Student Access Center. Should the faculty/department choose to utilize the Student Access Center to administer exams, the following responsibilities should be met: